Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rock on

The weight of sadness due to being back on St. John for an undetermined/infinite amount of time is really looming over me today (just got back last night, sans luggage, of course). With that said, I thought I would share some wonderful things to try to brighten things up a bit.

1. I have recently discovered Monocle magazine due to a visit to my cousin Ryan's abode in Alaska. It was so refreshing to see such a sophisticated, smart, and worldy publication unlike anything I've ever encountered before. What I wouldn't give for a subscription! Why is this so difficult, you may ask? Well, a subscription costs 75 pounds (about $150 U.S. Dollars!) for 10 issues. Another day.

2. My favorite design blog, Design Sponge, which I check religiously sometimes multiple perusings a day as she updates a lot (and yes, I do have a lot of spare moments), showed me to another great blog some styley hip ladies that I will now need to check frequently. The link...

These ladies make me wish I was living another life. A much more traveled, urban, stylish life.

3. Lastly on today's parade of goodies, my nephews, Landon and Eli. I love them and can't stop thinking about how I miss them! They are so well-behaved, hilarious, cute, loving and fun. And they adore their Auntie Momo (that's me!). Here are a few pics of my recent visit to Wyo.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Keller hyphen Carroll OR Carroll hyphen Keller?

At last. The brilliant video footage from Micah of Didi and Tim's performance at Lani's wedding. My moose ears? A gift at the beginning of the ceremony for the long travel distance.