Thursday, May 29, 2008

A few vacation pics

Jason after a waterslide landing

The Pitons on St. Lucia

Me getting drenched in a St. Lucia waterfall

We love dem rotis. At Roti King on Antigua.

Our view from the ships cheap seats.

White impression on arm from the plants

Jason playing in hot sulphur springs on Dominica

Most gorgeous rainbow ever on Dominica

Friday, May 23, 2008

Kenny's Birthday

Well, if you refer back to the first post I ever wrote, you'll know that Tyler was trying to get monkeys for Kenny's birthday in Vegas. That didn't happen. Apparently monkey man was banned from the strip for his mistreatment of animals. And the Cher impersonator with a monkey was too expensive.

BUT...Tyler has an amazing birthday in store for his main squeeze! Seriously. Tyler is a bartender and thus tells his stories A LOT. He has made a lot of angry wives this week because he's shown that their husbands do not even come close to showing the care and creativity when giving gifts that Tyler does. If only we could all date/marry a gay man! When we were down at their apartment last night Kenny just sat their with his headphones on singing the same Cher song over and over again. Lucky guy.

So, aside from the fabulous Cher concert, they are taking a helicopter to the Grand Canyon for lunch and skydiving. I really had to question the whole skydiving idea. What are they thinking??!!

Tyler says it came about because he was looking around on the internet and had a credit card conveniently within grasp after who-knows-how-many cocktails.

He says, "I need a breathalizer on my computer." I think he does.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Parade of Humanity here Folks

"All I can say is 'Wow'," Kathie Lee Gifford, Carnival Cruise ship commercial

I don't know why I was surprised. Being on a cruise ship is like living the stereotype. It is a really weird feeling. Although Jason and I enjoyed ourselves, I don't think we are cut out for 'cruising'. To put it in was like the diaspora that is KMart patrons and workers was all of a sudden afloat on a huge ship. Now I am no one to point fingers and call out trashiness. I grew up in the small town of Buffalo, Wyoming after all, but SERIOUSLY! They had an art show o
f Thomas Kincaid! I am almost embarrassed to admit that I even know who that is, with my Art History Major background, but I have gone to a mall, after all. The whole situation was almost shocking.

Our first dinner was with an elderly couple, Ron and Cecile. They were from Upstate New York (common answer). They gave us all sorts of hints on how to get the most for our buck on the vacation. This included the advice of pouring vodka into water bottles to bring on board (we did that), and taking pictures of the photos that they take in the photo gallery over the week so we wouldn't have to pay the inflated price for the actual copy (we did not do that). Ron proceeded to eat the most insane amount of food I've ever seen, which I soon realized was the 'cruise ship way'...several appetizers, several main course, repeat appetizers, repeat main courses. Sure, the food is free, but it is DISGUSTING. I think Jason and I were the only people on board that believed that. I actually made myself sick one morning because I woke up and started thinking about the food.

Our dinner companions for the rest of the trip were newlyweds Denny and Melody. Although very different from us, they were really awesome and entertaining. They were from Norf
olk, VA (they called it NAWfuck). They were into their 6th cruise or so and thus very experienced. They also really enjoyed the food, and maybe thought Jason and I were a little crazy. But they were very great to spend a little time with, nonetheless.

A brief island synopsis:
Dominica...amazing! Everything we thought it would be and more. Definitely going back. Filthy, nasty beaches that looked beautiful before the closer take. Never go there.
St. Lucia...beautiful. No need to go back. It was nice, but we did all we really needed to that day.
St. Kitts...meh. A little disappointed. Not particularly nice beaches. Cute town area, but no need to visit again.

Antigua...seemed really charming, would like to see more but we were too lazy. Maybe a return visit some day. Maybe.

One thing that I can appreciate about this whole experience is this: I am very fortunate to live on St. John. The beaches here really are the most beautiful and clean. The island is mostly pristine thanks to the national park. And because it is a U.S. territory there is enough of a tourism industry that we don't have the poverty that Dominica and St. Lucia have. I was actually glad to come home! I can't believe I'm saying that!

So overall...good enough vacation, but won't be going on a cruise ship again.

What are you looking at SWAN? They made us towel animals every night.

This was the cheese plate at the wine bar. Believe it. Saltines with American, Cheddar and Swiss.

We kept ourselves entertained anyway.

Melody and Denny wearing their t-shirts with pride.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Confessed Hypocrite

Although I completely disapprove of that bill that gives tax payers more money back, I will admit that the $600 just saved my ass. A pleasant surprise to my bank account. But I still hate George Bush and the powers (democrats and republicans) that let such blinding stupidity proliferate in our government.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Don't mind the fanny packs

So Jason and I will be off on a Carnival cruise ship for the next week. Heading down island to Barbados, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Antigua and Dominica. We also have a stop on St. Thomas, but that doesn't really count. People find it odd that we would go on this venture, and to be quite honest I never thought I'd see myself on one of those ships, especially when dealing on a daily basis with the shrivs wearing straw hats and black knee socks that order blended drinks and tip poorly. But here we are. It is a good and economic way to check out our neighbors to the south. AND I'm excited! We will be working on an exciting video, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hell on wheels

I knew I was in trouble the other day when I offered a hitch-hiking drunken boatie from Coral Bay a ride and he refused. I saw him later in town and was like...You too good for my car?! Yes, of course he was. He may be a weathered old sailor, but he didn't want to risk his life by getting a ride in our quintessential island car. He told me I needed to have people sign waivers before getting in. I first thought that I might list things that are wrong with my car, but the list really is WAY too long. Just know that you better tell me how much you love and appreciate me, because at any given moment there are several ways I could die by being in this hunk of junk. A short list: the drivers seat is about to fall through the floor due to rust (our feet get splashed when we drive through puddles), the brakes are too rusty and stuck to be replaced (and we have some serious hills here), and our axel is so cracked it could literally be pulled apart. I have visions of something finally snapping and my little body careening off a cliff. So here are some pictures of my '95 Suzuki. Note the shrunken top, lack of windows, broken front passenger seat, ubiquitous rust, missing paint and dents, and OH! maybe 3 or 4 Christmas trees that have been in there for months.