Sunday, November 30, 2008


Games, drinks, and plenty of food with our friend Nancy.

This Ham is your Ham...This Ham is my Ham!

This Ham was made for you and me!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A pictorial update

Check out these flowers. It's just one big round petal. I thought it was pretty cool. Our neighbor Tyler has had another plant spending spree to make his porch and yard into a little tropical haven, and even though the pic is kind of crummy, I thought it was pretty cool.

And here is our teeny little lizard that was temporarily living in the bathroom. He was so damn cute, but alas, he had to be captured and released. No, I am not shaving him...just for size perspective.

So there is my thrilling update. At the moment I am excited because Jason went to St. Thomas with a few of our girlfriends and has decided to stay the night over there and go to a party. That means I get the place all to myself! Just bought a frozen pizza, Perrier, and going to settle down to a movie. That's a good night!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My version of extending an olive branch

I saw Jason's old boss--the one Jason has nearly put out of a job by starting a competing business--with his wife at a cocktail party last night. It's always a little bit awkward seeing them, but since his wife is pregnant, I thought I'd go congratulate them. Here is the part where my idiocy really shines through. I told Will that he was going to be a great dad, that he would "totally kill it". Yes, I told him he would kill his baby. Moral of the not use "kill it" as a compliment when talking about someone's unborn child. To their credit, they laughed it off.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunny with a chance of more sun

I just realized today that the worst weather I will have seen in nearly two years occurred during August in Seattle. Weird, eh? I went completely unprepared with only flip flops, jeans, and lightweight long-sleeved shirts. This was definitely not adequate at the outdoor Radiohead concert that felt like the middle of winter to a gal accustomed to tropical living.

As for St. John weather, it is still hanging tight in the mid-upper 80s. It'll get a little "chilly" around the end of December and through February. By "chilly", I mean low 80s, possibly reaching as low as the 70s. I am so acclimated to the climate here that it actually does seem cold. Hard to believe. I continually wonder if I'll go into shock when I move back to Seattle. Seems likely.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Please enlighten me

I am so weirded out/confused. My friend Nancy and I were driving along this afternoon when we came across an older guy running. He had a whip in his right hand, and would occasionally hit himself in the behind. Um, what is that about?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bye Lindy...a stolen picture

He's looking pretty coherent here. Man, people are sad he's gone. I did read a comment that his immune system should be studied. That is so true! For someone to live so long with such a lifestyle and illness, it is amazing. Although he didn't talk much in the nearly 4 years I've known him, there's no doubt that there was a lot of interesting things going on in his mind.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Swinging Doors

Yays and Nays galore in life.

Major HUGE YAAAAY to Obama becoming president. This is definitely a great moment in our nation's history.

Another Yay to a great Halloween weekend, including a Saturday night house party at our friend Jim Weller's newly built home. He is a master woodcrafter and has done the most exquisite job on this place he's built from scratch. I am totally coveting it.

Major serious NAY to everyone's favorite island personality, Lindy, dying yesterday. I cannot even attempt to explain this character, but he was adored by all. Sadly, he'd been circling the drain for awhile, so this is really no surprise. He may have the biggest funeral St. John has ever seen. He was everyone's Lindy.

Nay also to the fact that I have encountered the 2 most repugnant smells EVER today. I am not being at all melodramatic. They were permeate-your-nostril-and-stick-like-herpes bad.

Life is such a roller coaster.