Sunday, November 23, 2008

A pictorial update

Check out these flowers. It's just one big round petal. I thought it was pretty cool. Our neighbor Tyler has had another plant spending spree to make his porch and yard into a little tropical haven, and even though the pic is kind of crummy, I thought it was pretty cool.

And here is our teeny little lizard that was temporarily living in the bathroom. He was so damn cute, but alas, he had to be captured and released. No, I am not shaving him...just for size perspective.

So there is my thrilling update. At the moment I am excited because Jason went to St. Thomas with a few of our girlfriends and has decided to stay the night over there and go to a party. That means I get the place all to myself! Just bought a frozen pizza, Perrier, and going to settle down to a movie. That's a good night!

1 comment:

rain said...

I really like your little you, I'd like it better outside the house, but it was undeniably cute. And tiny.

That flower is way cool, too. Much more so than the dandylions that inhabit my home.