Saturday, November 22, 2008

My version of extending an olive branch

I saw Jason's old boss--the one Jason has nearly put out of a job by starting a competing business--with his wife at a cocktail party last night. It's always a little bit awkward seeing them, but since his wife is pregnant, I thought I'd go congratulate them. Here is the part where my idiocy really shines through. I told Will that he was going to be a great dad, that he would "totally kill it". Yes, I told him he would kill his baby. Moral of the not use "kill it" as a compliment when talking about someone's unborn child. To their credit, they laughed it off.


rain said...

See, you're a better person than I. I would have probably pretended I didn't see them, and avoided confrontation at all costs, effectively painting myself as a true bitch. Also, if I would have said, "killed it", I would have laughed at myself, and then tried to explain what I just said and how I didn't mean it the way it sounded...effectively digging myself deeper into a hole, and ensuring that the next time I see them, I TOTALLY would avoid them as well.

lani Keller said...

ha ha...that's my mo!