Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunny with a chance of more sun

I just realized today that the worst weather I will have seen in nearly two years occurred during August in Seattle. Weird, eh? I went completely unprepared with only flip flops, jeans, and lightweight long-sleeved shirts. This was definitely not adequate at the outdoor Radiohead concert that felt like the middle of winter to a gal accustomed to tropical living.

As for St. John weather, it is still hanging tight in the mid-upper 80s. It'll get a little "chilly" around the end of December and through February. By "chilly", I mean low 80s, possibly reaching as low as the 70s. I am so acclimated to the climate here that it actually does seem cold. Hard to believe. I continually wonder if I'll go into shock when I move back to Seattle. Seems likely.


rain said...

Oh my goodness. It's been in the fifties here...and I've loved every second of it. Breezy and sunny, and cool--perfect for when you're a whale and have to lie down all day. Yeah, you're going to go into shock when you go back to Seattle...but then you can just get into a vehicle, drive to a movie or concert, and drive home, stopping on the way at some behemoth store that carries EVERYTHING your heart desires. You'll snap out of it quickly.

lani Keller said...

Shock or not...I want my Molove back!