Saturday, January 8, 2011

2010 FTW

I was reflecting on how dull and uneventful I thought 2010 was, and then I REALLY thought about it. Hardly!

Managing a store on St. John, shopping weekend in Atlanta, seriously HOT tropical days, Jost Van Dyke weekend, get engaged, get married, move to Seattle, 10 year class reunion, Joy's dad dies, start managing Kasala, Jason's biz nearly fails, lots of family visits, Jason heads back to St. John - not to be seen for 4+ months, Camp Wedding, lots of alone time, Jacynth's dad dies (followed quickly by more untimely demises for poor J), Lani gets pregnant, Jason returns, enter 2011.

Rubbing my hands with anticipation for 2011...most excitement for St. John time, a wee Lani/Topher baby, a "wedding", and???