Monday, May 4, 2009


Important things to remember about tropical rains/flooding:

1. If you are finally desperate enough to order that water to fill your cistern, it WILL rain the next day, and it will rain soooooo damn much.

2. Keep electronics, important papers and whatnot off the floor, because it is likely that they will get completely saturated by the leaks in the house.

3. It is nice if your car doubles as a boat.

4. Plastic bags become an absolute necessary fashion accessory.

5. Open air cars with windows that don't work and a soft roof that turns into a bathtub really suck.

6. Do not, for any reason whatsoever, go swimming at the beach for the next several days. I don't care if you're on vacation.

1 comment:

rain said...

I fully understand #2, even though I hail from Utah. The saturation on this end, however, comes from the immense pouring of baby drool that we deal with on a daily basis.

The vehicle/bathtub thing would make me overly nervous. What would I do without all my everyday normalcies? Freak out, that's what.