Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Off da rock!

Getting off the island! Getting off the island! It has been since August that I have been stuck on this little 8 x 3 island. A few short excursions to nearby St. Thomas took the edge off. So now, as all 3 readers already know, I am OUT. For a month or so. Seattle, Alaska, Oregon, Wyoming. I am a happy girl. The only thing that would make life more perfect is if I didn't have to return to St. John. I will try to update on some of the fun travels stuff, but I can't make any promises.

Shopping, friends, music, wedding, more friends, family, more family. YAAAAY!


lani Keller said...

I'm just so thrilled for you and for me!!

Leah said...

oooh... If you have any extra time in Oregon (I don't even know if you will be near Portland) let me know. I would love to grab a quick coffee and say hi in person after all these years! Plus have an amazing time in all the other places. I'm super jealous of Alaska. I wan't to go there very soon.

chira said...

yay! can't wait till you get here tomorrow!!! woot.

rain said...

Have so much fun! SO happy for you!