Thursday, December 11, 2008

Anatomy of an island weekend

Yes, the next weekend is nearly upon me once again. It will be filled with more parties than I can really comprehend at this point...more than I WANT to comprehend. But let me give a glimpse at last weekend. I realize that it may sound cool or exotic and exciting, but to me--after having lived here for 4 years--I would rather be chilling with my homies in Seattle and drinking a Pabst. Behold the apparent glory of last weekend...

Friday night...Sunset cruise with work. Complete with apps and an open bar. An Irish Car Bomb taken like an expert so that I would look cool in front of my co-workers sent me home to bed quite early (thankfully).

Saturday...attempt at recovery from previous night. Christmas parade which is unlike any Christmas parade in the States...pan music, trucks with loud Soca music, everyone in the community thinking they are part of the parade with drinks and children in tow. This was followed by a great holiday jazz concert in the park, where I was literally shaking from the cold (78ish degrees...pathetic). 2 of hangover. Head off to a nearby island on a boat full of people to celebrate Captain Phil's 70th birthday. The island, Lovango, is really amazing...totally self-sufficient and off-the-grid, with 1 car and steep trails to houses. This is what is pictured below.

This here is a pic that only Virgin Islanders can totally appreciate. Wally has an amazing self-sufficient home, and this is its control center...fondly referred to as WAPA. hahaha. (that is the corrupt and defunct local power provider)

This one goes out to Theo...the chickens reside in the Pecker Palace or Pollo Club. Love it.

Captain Phil's birthday "potty", a gift for his new home.

View from the porch, with beautiful St. John in the background.

All of us packing on to Dan Boyd's boat for the short ride.

Is this a hibiscus? Whatever it is, the colours are amazing.

1 comment:

rain said...

Okay, so that deck? Un-be-liev-able. Seriously. And the fact that you froze in 78ish degree weather? Even more so! But I still think you and an entire island of people partying down just cause IS still, pretty fabulous. Does everyone just know everyone there?