Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feeling the love

This one here is a tribute to Pat and Gary Cail who renewed their vows after 30+ years of marriage, along with many other couples, at Trunk Bay on 14 February 2009. It was really touching. Like a lot of couples, marriage can go through a lot of ups and downs, so reaffirming those 'I do's' had a special meaning. Note the man in the small swimsuit in the background. I wish we had a better shot of his ridiculousness. I am cruel. So much for Valentine lovin'.


rain said...

Thirty years IS a long time. The good thing about being married to the right person, that it never seems that long. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

Also, I LOVED that guy's swimming trunks. Not only were they two sizes too tight, they were also plaid. That's two strikes right there, so you aren't as cruel as you think.

lani Keller said...

I definitely need a close up of that itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-banana-hanging-man-bikini!

chira said...

congrats to 30 years.

i'm not even sure i will get married.
i get to be the crazy aunt. :)