St. Patty's is such a whitey's holiday, nary a West Indian in sight during the revelry of our little island parade. Not a disappointment, drunken hilarity reigned supreme.
Roland had an amazing costume with Incredible Hulk slippers. He followed the Mocko Jumbie all over the place. Guess who I was thinking of when I took this picture. Miss Joy Fischer. Pretty cat with a pretty necklace.
I would've put up some video, but alas, I have no clue how. Pathetic.
8 Tuff Miles, I am your bitch. Granted, I was not supposed to drink such a large quantity of alcoholic beverages the night before getting up early to walk my way over steep and hot terrain to Coral Bay on the other side of the island, but still. Jason and Sadie went with me, and although we were all exhausted and sore, I was definitely in the worst shape. Is it supposed to be hard to go from zero ft to 1,000 ft (and up and down a lot on either side)? Well, it was. Very exhausting. I am trying to ignore that little 4 and 5 year olds had no problem with it.
Part II.
Work is a nightmare. My boss is gone, my co-worker is on vacation. I don't get paid enough for this!
Part III.
After two wonderful weeks, Miss Sadie once again left me for life in the States. Almost as terrible as the first time she did it a few years back.