Saturday, March 14, 2009

Homogenity on St. John

St. Patty's is such a whitey's holiday, nary a West Indian in sight during the revelry of our little island parade. Not a disappointment, drunken hilarity reigned supreme.

Roland had an amazing costume with Incredible Hulk slippers. He followed the Mocko Jumbie all over the place.

Guess who I was thinking of when I took this picture. Miss Joy Fischer. Pretty cat with a pretty necklace.

I would've put up some video, but alas, I have no clue how. Pathetic.


lani Keller said...

That is a beautiful beast with a mighty fine necklace. I need some of those hulk shoes fo' sho!

Love you!

rain said...

I'm WAY late in this, obviously, but Happy St. Patty's. I see that regardless of my lateness, you managed to do it right; what with the tattoo and all.