Friday, August 29, 2008


The mosquitos here are bad. Beyond bad. I have been fairly lucky to avoid what most people are dealing with, due to a somewhat windy home and indoor work, but still...not good. Imagine just walking through a thick cloud of mossies. Wyo never knew the extent. I would count my bites, but that may get boring. If I were to guess, I would say around 60. I used to count, but that was when I was new to tropical life. Now I just try to refrain from itching so that they don't turn into big nasty sores. A little On St. John blog...


rain said...

Couldn't. Do. It. I've had approximately three mosquito bites the entire summer. THREE. I remember each instance where they were acquired, and that they lasted a ridiculously long time. Sixty? You need one of those body-encasing nets.

lani Keller said...

This is good. You are preparing for an Alaska wedding full of mosquitos!!


ps. i heart all the pics that you posted. i have been in ak and haven't looked at any blogs lately.