Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hurricanes are such an inconvenience

Well, I'm getting my first official hurricane tomorrow night, if all goes as planned. Hurricane Omar. What this means at this point is a Category 2 will be upon us late tomorrow night...lots of rain and wind. Sadly, my home does not hold up well. I REALLY, REALLY do NOT want to have to pack up all my belongings and head for safe cover. That does not sound at all fun to me. It is a bit incomprehensible for me to be looking around my small and sparsely filled apartment and think about choosing which of my meager possessions will make the safe journey with me. Eh! Hold thumbs that the storm will peter out.

1 comment:

rain said...

Oh my goodness. I don't even know what to say. This one of those TV moments, that seem completely surreal to me, just because I've never been close to that kind of climate and the complications therein. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Jason. Also, how do you seriously decide what to take and what to leave? I am so Americanized that the thought is just too alien for me to even consider. By Americanized, I mean, I just have never even thought that that could happen to me--I'm overly sheltered.