Monday, October 27, 2008

Only for you, Ms. Rainey Jean

A Tagged entry...

8 Favorite TV shows:
1. The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart
2. Passions (campy and wonderful)
3. Various Reality (Project Runway for one)
4. Curb Your Enthusiasm and other HBO series
5. Here is where things get shady as I don't have Guy
6. Adult Swim shows on Comedy Central
7. BBC World News
8. Sorry, can't think of any more

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Cafe Roma
2. India Mahal (Tacoma rocks the Indian food)
3. Rhumblines
4. Tup Tim Thai
5. That one Sushi restaurant in my Seattle neighborhood that I am currently blanking on
6. The Mecca
7. The Breadboard
8. Dash Inn

8 Things that happend yesterday:
1. Had brunch at Sun Dog Cafe with our favorite bartender and friend, Tyler
2. Did a shot of Liquid Cocaine with said brunch
3. Read my current book, THE BOOK THIEF (Love it!)
4. Went to a pig roast at my favorite secret West Indian bar on St. John, where we did not, in fact, eat any pig
5. Drank a few IPAs at the Tap Room while eating Beef Carpaccio and a gorgonzola salad from neighboring Paradiso
6. Watched a really stupid movie, PINEAPPLE EXPRESS (don't waste your life)
7. Lounged on my futon on our screened-in-porch on a lovely 85 degree-ish afternoon
8. Made way more plans for next weekend than I am capable of actually attending

8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Next weekend
2. Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays (even though I'm stuck on St. John)
3. Moving back to Seattle
4. Getting rich
5. Getting a puppy baby
6. Getting back to the job I love in Seattle
7. Our big Asian adventure (hopefully next year)
8. Next boat trip

4 Jobs that I've had:
1. Mini-golf/Ice-cream parlor (definitely good times, Rainey, but for whatever reason I don't really like ice-cream anymore, and I DEFINITELY do not like mini-golf)
2. Production Coordinator at a commercial photography studio (first real job, and still the most stressful I've had)
3. Matchmaker/Sales Coordinator at Dating Service (ahhhh...the stories I can tell)
4. Sales at Kasala Furniture in Seattle (BEST JOB EVER!!!!)

4 Movies I've watched more than once:
1. Six Degrees of Separation
2. The Sound of Music
3. Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas
4. Titanic (WHY??? I HATE this film)

4 TV shows I watch:

Uh...there's one...The Daily Show. OH! I guess sometimes the new 90210 and Entourage.

4 Favorite Foods:
1. Tim's Cascades Jalapeno Chips
2. Rajun Cajun Sandwich
3. Indo fries with aoli
4. Enchiladas

4 Places I want to visit:

1. All over Africa
2. All over Asia
3. All over South America
4. Australia and New Zealand

4 Things I love about my significant other:
1. He's funny
2. Smart
3. Ambitious
4. We want the same things in life

All done! (brushing off hands)


rain said...

Fabulous! You totally delivered. FYI...I'm not as fond of Ice cream as I was before said ice cream parlor/mini-golf job. After almost fifteen years, I'm still suffering from the burnout. Also, what are those fries you've posted? Where can I get some? I'm seriously intrigued.

lani Keller said...

That was fun to read, but why my friend aren't you looking forward to ALASKA?!?

I kid, I kid.

Meow to my Mo!

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