Thursday, July 17, 2008

Maybe it's just me

I keep seeing this lady around town that I long took to be an "old" (50s or 60s) drunk. Well, she is now pregnant. And still drunk and smoking like a chimney. Any thoughts about that unborn baby? And how did she get pregnant at her age?!

Another person I know is smoking weed the whole time she is pregnant. I know we kinda tend to think of marijuana as null and void, but it is not great for you lungs (the poor babies?). A stoned fetus! Why chance it? I am amazed and disturbed.


lani Keller said...

It is NOT just you! I hope that I'm never pregnant at 50 or 60 but if I am...maybe I would be stoned the whole time too.


rain said...

Um, speaking as a pregnant woman, no, it's not just you. I'm imagining that the old bat and I came by our pregnancies under a similar circumstance, as I'm sure she hadn't PLANNED having a baby, either. However, I am giving up my one addiction, caffeine, and it kills me, just because it's "not recommended". As for your friend that's using weed...there's no respect in my being for someone like that. She needs to grow up, seriously. Because she's already putting her kid at a serious disadvantage...and if you can't be addicted to pot, and I wouldn't know, but why is it something she even has to think about?

Yeah, I'm pissy about this particular subject, especially now. But I also see a lot of kids that are born to people that just don't find them any sort of priority, unfortunately within my extended family,and I'm convinced they just shouldn't have had the option to be conceived in the first place. So there.