Wednesday, July 16, 2008

When I lose my mind...

I want to be just like Roland! He is my favorite homeless drunk crazy person ever. He loves to wear costumes and completely absorb himself into their respective roles. It makes me giddy with anticipation of all the possibilities when my senses begin to falter. Here is one gem as him of a pimp. Sadly, I think I accidentally erased the others. Such as him dressed as a wizard, at one point carrying around a huge book of Shakespeare which he dramatically read in the middle of the park, and at another point held a huge silver tray, arms outstretched as though he was casting a spell while following behind one of the most decrepit slow-moving homeless old person I've ever seen (that's another story in itself...old unwashed sailor with a rotting leg who thought he was Jesus and only wore a wetsuit). He also loves to chat away to his imaginary friends on an old phone attached by its cord somewhere on his pants. I could go on and on, but maybe I'll just have to try to find some more pictures. What a character.


lani Keller said...

Maybe we will all end up in the old people's home that we dream of, rolling around in costumes. *ding*


rain said...

I would totally rather be a wizard, than a pimp. I often think I would die of culture shock where you are. I try to fool myself into believing that I would adjust, but I'd get way too excited about certain things, and then way too scared about other stuff. I saw your pictures; totally fabulous. However, I just remember the summer that I lived in San Clemente, and I always had to sit next to the homeless guy with severe anger issues and spasms. (As he was EVERYWHERE in that town). Yeah, I tried to be cool...but inside, I was peeing my pants. Thankfully, it was only on the inside. I'm a weeny.