Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My 30 years never prepared me for this housesitting job

I am exhausted due to my new job, and well, also due to the fact that I woke up at around 3 am last night with my face being eaten by ants. Not kidding. It happened to Jason the night before, but he got it even worse. Let's just say we are in the midst of housesitting for one of the most ant and cockroach infested places ever. It is not that our out-of-town friend is a mess, it's just that in this tropical locale, bugs can move in and aren't too keen on moving out.

My admiration for my dear Jason has really reached a new level as of late. I think he has killed around 15 huge cockroaches and an innumerable amount of small ones, carried away dead lizard bodies and a dead rat (thanks for the presents kitties), and just all around stepped up to the challenge of staying in a place where we are outnumbered by some very pesky and bold creatures.

I have been chased down by a super-sized insect while screaming and jumping in a small bathroom and seen one of the cats play hacky sack and then chomp down on a cute little baby mouse in the living room, but at least I have interesting stories to tell my co-workers each morning.

Now I am rambling. I wanted to share 2 disgusting pictures of dead lizards--one from tonight that the ants were just starting to invade, and one from the other night that was reduced to its skeleton--but my computer isn't wanting to upload them. Another day.

I may go vomit.


rain said...

Maybe you should start up an extermination sounds like it has the possibility of pretty lucrative. Ulgh. I am really grossed out--I think the first time I woke to ants devouring my face, would be the time that I freaked out...and left for good.

lani Keller said...

I'm upset that you and Jason's face is being eaten by ants. Very very upset.

ps. Ham-bone is my hero!

Anonymous said...

I'm not even there, and it scares me.