Saturday, July 19, 2008

Please, show some mercy!

I am becoming afraid of the unthinkable...another Republican Whitehouse. Nightmarish, right? But also a possible reality. I am begging and pleading and will even consider sexual favors for anyone who is complacent about voting to get out there and support Obama, if for no other reason than to not support McCain. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. The downward spiral must cease. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. Favors granted upon request.


rain said...

I actually went out and voted TWICE in the last eight years, just so things would maybe change, they didn't. (When you are as un-political as I, it's hard to remain up-beat about that). Add that to the fact that I've been so angry since Bush's whiny-baby stint about how the count was all off because the oldies in Florida were confused...and I'm a bitter, president hater. Politics hater. But I'll see what I can do. The worst possible scenario would be the same-o same-o type in office. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Ha. I promise, I don't need sexual favors; I even voted in the primary, I 'heart' Obama so much.

lani Keller said...

Can I get sexual favors if I'm already planning on voting for Obama?
